Community Liaison Committee (CLC)

Structure of the CLC

The CLC was established to act as a forum for exchanging information and sharing comments related to the Golden South Wind Project (the Project). It also allowed for continuous communications between local residents, interested parties and the Golden South Wind LP (GSW LP), as the Project progressed through construction and into operations.

The CLC aimed to meet two to three times annually during the construction period (approximately 17 months) and during initial operations. The meetings were open to the public for observation and members of the public were invited to submit questions prior to each meeting. The questions were answered at the meeting and members of the public were given the opportunity to ask additional questions at the end of the meetings.

The Project held six CLC meetings in total: the first in September 2019,  the second in February 2020, the third one in July 2020; the fourth one in November 2020; the fifth in April 2021, and the sixth (and final) in May 2022. Due to COVID-19, the third, fourth and fifth CLC meetings were held virtually over Zoom and Teleconference.

Composition of the CLC

The CLC was structured to include representation from a diverse range of interests. The CLC community members were selected through an open process and impartial process. Recruitment notices were posted in the local newspapers in July 2019, and interested individuals were asked to submit a request to participate.

The CLC was composed of three community members, at least one representative from GSW LP, and a CLC Facilitator from Dillon Consulting Limited. Technical staff/specialists and members of the GSW LP construction team and Borea Construction attended meetings as required. Membership in the CLC did not constitute support, endorsement, or opposition of the Project, and participating in the CLC was a voluntary activity.

past meeting documents

Mailing Address

Potentia Renewables Inc
200 Wellington Street West, Suite 1102
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3C7

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